Go Blue! Plate

Consuming a variety of seafood

at the right weekly/monthly frequencies

helps promote sustainability and personal health

Sea Port created the “Go Blue! Plate” to provide guidance on how often on a weekly/monthly basis our seafood offerings should be consumed in order to foster resource sustainability and personal health.   The “Go Blue! Plate” also strongly suggests eating a diverse variety of seafood, which spreads the consumption over many different seafood species and thus promotes long-term food security.

Sea Port firmly believes that no one seafood product should be consumed too frequently.  We believe that eating a diverse variety of seafood will better advance the sustainability and biodiversity of all the world’s seafood resources that are so important for our survival and wellbeing

The “Go Blue! Plate” suggested eating frequencies were established based on each items sustainability assessment and from the recognition that certain seafood, such as swordfish, can accumulate high levels of methylmercury.  The portion size chosen for this frequency guidance is 4oz, which matches the recommendation of the United States Department of Agriculture.

Please use the “Go Blue! Plate" as your seafood eating guide as you choose to dine on a vast variety of seafood to advance both sustainability and your own personal health.

Go Blue! For Our Health – For Our Environment – For Sustainability!